
Section: New Results

Interior point cutting plane strategy revisited for column generation

In [89] , we identify what are the stabilization features that are built into variants of subgradient algorithms and polyhedral approaches. In [27] , we further compare their theoretical performance and discuss their combination. Stabilization procedures for column generation can be viewed as cutting plane strategies in the dual. Exploiting the link between in-out separation strategies and dual price smoothing techniques for column generation, we derive a generic bound convergence property for algorithms using a smoothing feature. Such property adds to existing in-out asymptotic convergence results. In our study on In-Out Separation and Column Generation Stabilization by Dual Price Smoothing, we note that our convergence property adds to existing in-out asymptotic convergence results. Beyond theoretically convergence, we describe in [88] a proposal for effective finite convergence in practice and we develop a smoothing auto-regulating strategy that makes the need for parameter tuning obsolete. Practical speed-up convergence that are observed go from 20% to 500 %. These contributions turn stabilization by smoothing into a general purpose practical scheme that can be used into a generic column generation procedure. We conclude the paper by showing that the approach can be combined with an ascent method, leading to improved performances. Such combination might inspire novel cut separation strategies.